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                        Ebola Resources 





October 2014: We know many of our friends, clients, and colleagues are deeply involved with us in the response to the Ebola crisis currently challenging global Human Security. We wish them all success and, particularly for our fellow WWHGD members, we want to ensure data and mapping resources are easily available.


Below is a listing of data services, data sources, map products and information. We update it frequently, but we are aware it's incomplete. Please share with anyone who might find these useful:   

Ebola Coordination (informal sources)


The HDX Ebola Page


Healthcare facilities in the affected countries (dynamic) 


CDC: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Distribution Map

CDC: 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa - Outbreak Distribution Map

Healthmap: 2014 Ebola Outbreak

Google Maps: The Spread of Ebola Outbreaks (1976-2015)

Open Street Map: 2014 West Africa Ebola Response wiki

Open Street Map: Ebola E-tracking in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea "umap"(started July 11)

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) Exports: Guinea, whole country

WHO: Ebola virus disease outbreaks: maps


Reliefweb: Backgrounder and News Updates

Direct Relief: W. Africa Ebola Outbreak

ArcGIS: Ebola Resources

Global Incident Maps: Global Disease Outbreaks


Amenity Listing for Healthcare facilities (these are definitions - not locations):


Mobility patterns and population densities in West Africa



IHS is deeply involved in the Ebola Response at several levels, including with White House staff, USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, the Global Development Laboratory, the US Centers for Disease Control, MSF physicians, and others.


We are fully supporting the USAID Crowdsourcing effort for ideas that might help enhance the response. The site for those ideas to be submitted for evaluation and possible funding is:  


We encourage anyone with ideas that might be constructive to submit those ideas to that site.


Please send any other Ebola Crisis-related mapping, data sources, data services and products you would like to share with WWHGD members to


Additional areas of interest that need data and mapping resources include: 


  1. Health & Medical:  What are the locations of clinics?  Numbers and locations of humanitarian workers involved in providing health care?  

  2. Significant Events:  Detailed geospatial chronology of the disease spread?  

  3. Transportation Use:  From where do in-country medical personnel come, and by what means and routes do they use to get to Ebola treatment facilities?

  4. Demographics: Demographic breakdown of those infected compared to the rest of the population?  Compared to those with other types of morbidity? 

  5. Land Use:  What are the specific areas that national governments are trying to physically isolate, and by what means?  

  6. Education / Communications & Media Use:  How are governments attempting to educate the public about preventive measures?  From which facilities?

  7. Religion / Ethnicity:  What religious / cultural practices are contributing to the spread / prevention of the disease?  If there are facilities associated with these practices, location?


and any other reasonable topics we might not have considered around data and mapping.


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